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Our Club Vision is to become the most attractive junior football club in the District for players and the families, known for a focus on player development, community and high quality resources.


West Coast Junior Football Club is a long-established, well-run, financially sound, and ambitious organisation. We take player development seriously, but not at the expense of sporting behaviour, citizenship, or our other obligations as a community-based Club. We want both players and parents to feel comfortable in and proud of their association with our Club.

Why play for West Coast?

  • Our home is at the picturesque City Beach Oval, with high quality playing and club room facilities.
  • We provide coaching by senior players for teams in Year 8 to 12, ensuring that we use current training techniques and provide up-to-date advice about developments in football. Regardless of year group, our coaches will always be appropriately qualified.
  • Our home ground is lit to standards adequate for WAFL football, allowing us to play night games that provide our players a taste of night footy, and their families a great evening out.
  • From 2016, we will equip our players with Club kit so that they can wear our colours with pride, whether they are headed to the footy or the shops.
  • We keep our team equipment and jumpers to a very high standard.
  • We are developing our social media presence, making it easier to stay up with scores and Club news.
  • Subject to player numbers, we aim to field teams in all years, providing an opportunity for players to remain with one club all the way from pre-primary to Year 12.
  • We are fortunate to have a friendly and close-knit band of parents and volunteers, providing a happy atmosphere for all involved.
  • At WCJFC we take pride in developing the football skills of our young players. We also aim to produce players with determination, resilience , sportsmanship and integrity – skills for life.

Club People

Your committee members are:

President Andrew Thomson
Treasurer Gemma Ward
Registrar Vernita Hanrahan
Secretary Jacinta Pickford
Coordinator - Auskick Mel Capper
Football Operations Brett Shoebridge
Coordinator - Coaches Jamie O’Brien
Coordinator - Managers Damian Rooney
Coordinator - Sponsorship and Social Media Jacinta Pickford
Coordinator - Equipment Mark Leslie
Coordinator - Merchandise Natasha Hawksley

Codes Of Conduct

The club has codes of conduct in place for players, parents and spectators, administrators and volunteers, coaches, runners and water stewards, and umpires.


Code Of Conduct – Players

This Code of Conduct applies to all of our players.


  • Understand and adhere to BYLAW #1 ‘The Spirit of Junior Football’.
  • Play by the rules. #PlayFair
  • Play for the “fun of it” and not just to please parents and coaches. #HaveFun
  • Never argue with an umpire or an official. If you disagree, discuss the matter with your coach or teacher after the game. #ShowRespect
  • Control your temper. Verbal abuse of officials or other players, or provoking an opponent is not acceptable. #ShowRespect
  • Work equally hard for yourself and for your team. Your team’s performance will benefit so will you. #BringYourBest
  • Be a good sport. Applaud all good plays whether they are by your team, opponent or the other team. #PlayFair
  • Treat all players as you would like to be treated. Do not interfere with, bully or take unfair advantage of another teammate or player.#ShowRespect
  • Cooperate with and support your coach, team mates and opponents. Without them there would no competition. #IncludeAll
  • Avoid using derogatory language or swearing. #ShowRespect
  • Be prepared to take responsibility for your actions. #PlayFair

Parents and Spectators

Code Of Conduct – Parents And Spectators

This Code of Conduct applies to all of Parents of Registered Junior, Youth and Auskick players. It also applies to all spectators at every game.


  • Understand and adhere to BYLAW #1 ‘The Spirit of Junior Football’.
  • Encourage children to participate in Sport and have fun. Although remember this is about their ambition, and not yours. #HaveFun
  • Encourage children to always participate according to the rules. #PlayFair
  • Never ridicule or yell at a child for making a mistake or losing a game. #ShowRespect
  • Remember that children learn best from example. Applaud good plays by both teams. #ShowRespect
  • If you disagree with an official, raise the issue through the appropriate channels rather than questioning the official’s judgment and honesty in public.  #ShowRespect
  • Support all efforts to remove verbal and physical abuse from sporting activities. #ShowRespect
  • Recognise the value and importance of volunteer coaches, managers and helpers. Put your hand up to volunteer yourself. #GiveBack
  • Remember that children play organised sports for fun. They are not playing for the entertainment of spectators, nor are they are not mini adults. Let them have fun and enjoy their junior sport experience. #HaveFun
  • Condemn the use of violence in any form, be it by spectators, coaches, officials or players. #ShowRespect
  • Encourage players to follow the rules and the umpire’s decisions. #PlayFair
  • Encourage your child to play multiple sports – they do not need to specialise and play one sport all year round. #BeHealthy
  • Demonstrate appropriate social behaviour by not swearing, using derogatory language, harassing players, coaches, umpires or volunteers.#ShowRespect

Administrators and Volunteers

Code Of Conduct – Administrators and Volunteers

This Code of Conduct applies to all of our administrators and volunteers.


  • Understand and adhere to BYLAW #1 ‘The Spirit of Junior Football’.
  • Ensure that equal opportunities for participation in sports are made available to all children, regardless of ability, size, shape, gender, age, disability or ethnic origin. #IncludeAll
  • Actively promote Positive Game Day Environments with Junior Football and the importance of E-Point structures to the game. #ShowRespect
  • Ensure that rules, equipment, length of games and training schedules take into consideration the age, ability and maturity level of participating children. #BeSafe
  • Ensure that adequate supervision is provided by qualified and competent coaches and officials capable of developing appropriate sports behaviour and skill technique. #BeSafe
  • Remember that children participate for enjoyment and play down the importance of rewards. #HaveFun
  • Provide clinics aimed at improving the standards of coaching and officiating, with an emphasis on appropriate behaviour and skill technique.#BeSafe
  • Ensure that parents, coaches, sponsors, trainers and participants understand their responsibilities regarding fair play. #PlayFair
  • Modify rules and regulations to match the skill level of children and their needs. #BeSafe
  • Condemn unsporting behaviour and promote respect for all opponents. #ShowRespect
  • Publicly encourage rule changes which will reinforce the principles of participation for fun and enjoyment. #HaveFun
  • Ensure that your behaviour is consistent with the principles of good sporting behaviour. #ShowRespect
  • Make a personal commitment to keep yourself informed of sound officiating principles and the principles of growth and development of children. #BeHealthy
  • Ensure promotion, well-being and safety of umpires and encourage good sportsmanship before, during and after matches. #ShowRespect
  • Ensure positive player/umpire relationships are continually developed. #ShowRespect


Code Of Conduct – Coaches

This Code of Conduct applies to all of our coaches.


It is imperative that coaches understand and adhere to BYLAW #1 ‘The Spirit of Junior Football’.

As a coach, I understand that as an integral component of my accreditation, I must maintain a standard of behaviour and conduct in the best interests of the game and the players/staff in my care.

In representing myself in an honest manner, and without bringing the coaching profession or the Game into disrepute, I promote the eight values of True Sport and I will uphold the following to the best of my ability:

  • I will respect the rights, dignity and worth of all individuals within the context of my involvement in Australian Football, including refraining from any discriminatory practices on the basis of race, religion, ethnic background, or special ability/disability. #IncludeAll
  • I will abide by and teach the AFL Laws of the Game and the Rules of my Club, District and League/Association. #PlayFair
  • I will be reasonable in the demands I make on the time commitments of the players in my care, having due consideration for their health and well-being. #BeHealthy
  • I will be supportive at all times and I will refrain from any form of personal abuse or unnecessary physical contact with the players in my care. #BeSafe
  • I will have due consideration for varying maturity and ability levels of my players when designing practice schedule, practice activities and involvement in competition. #BeHealthy
  • I will avoid overplaying the talented players aiming to maximise participation and enjoyment for all players regardless of ability.  Where I am responsible for players in the 5-18 year old age group, I will strive to ensure that all players gain equal playing time. #IncludeAll
  • I will stress and monitor safety always. #BeSafe
  • In recognising the significance of injury and sickness, I will seek and follow the physician’s advice concerning the return of injured, concussed or ill players to training. #BeSafe
  • I will keep informed regarding sound principles of coaching and skill development, and of factors relating to the welfare of my players.#BeSafe
  • I will at all times display and teach appropriate sporting behaviour, ensuring that players understand and practise fair play. #PlayFair
  • I will display and foster respect for umpires, opponents, coaches, administrators, other officials, parents and spectators. #ShowRespect
  • I will ensure that players are involved in a positive environment where skill learning and development are priorities and are not overshadowed by a desire to win. #HaveFun
  • I reject the use of performance enhancing substances in sport and will abide by the guidelines set forth in the AFL Drug Policy. #PlayFair

Note: This “True Sport Coaches Code of Conduct” is to be signed and adhered to as part of the accreditation requirements of the AFL & WAFC. Coaches should be aware that, in addition to this Code, they may be obliged to sign a further Code of Conduct/Ethics with their Club and/or League or State Sports Association (WAFC).

Runners and Water Stewards

Code Of Conduct – Runners and Water Stewards

This Code of Conduct applies to all of our runners and water stewards.


  • Understand and adhere to BYLAW #1 ‘The Spirit of Junior Football’.
  • The runner SHOULD BE AN ADULT. #GiveBack
  • The runner must be clearly identified. #BeSafe
  • The runner’s name must be entered on team sheets. #BeSafe
  • No abusive language or swearing. #ShowRespect
  • Support the decision of the umpires at all times and never question decisions. #ShowRespect
  • Deliver message/water and leave the ground immediately. Your role is not to coach or direct players. Do not remain on the ground. The game is for the kids, not you. #ShowRespect


Code Of Conduct – Umpires

This Code of Conduct applies to all of our umpires.


  • Understand and adhere to BYLAW #1 ‘The Spirit of Junior Football’.
  • Modify rules and regulations to match the skill level of children and their needs. #BeSafe
  • Compliment all participants on their efforts. #BringYourBest
  • Be consistent, objective and courteous in calling all infractions. #ShowRespect
  • Condemn unsporting behaviour and promote respect for all opponents. #ShowRespect
  • Ensure that the “spirit of the game” for children is not lost by using common sense and not over emphasizing errors. #HaveFun
  • Publicly encourage rule changes which will reinforce the principles of participation for fun and enjoyment. #HaveFun
  • Ensure that your behaviour is consistent with the principles of good sporting behaviour. Actions speak louder than words. #PlayFair
  • Make a personal commitment to keep yourself informed of sound officiating principles and the principles of growth and development of children. #BeSafe
  • Avoid use of derogatory language based on gender. #ShowRespect


Club Funding of Football Competitions and Visits

Club Funding of Football Competitions and Visits

Version: 1.0
Committee Approval: 10 August 2016


This document specifies the extent of Club funding in support of football trials, competitions, training, and travel by member teams and individual players.



The Club aims to minimise registration fees by committing its funds to Club-specific activities and investments in equipment and facilities. As such, the Club will only provide funding for attendance at camps, training or development sessions, representation at Schools Sports WA or Public Schools Association carnivals, attendance at Inter-State carnivals or trials, or the like where the team or player is representing the Club and one of the following circumstances applies:

  1. The Club will contribute up to $500 per team per year towards expenses associated with an intra- or inter-state trip by Year 7 teams.
  2. The Club will contribute up to $500 on a ‘one-off’ basis towards expenses associated with representation on a Western Australia State team travelling interstate where financial hardship can be proven to the satisfaction of the Committee.
  3. The Club will contribute up to $500 per team per year towards expenses associated with a team representing the Club in a carnival.

To ‘represent the Club’ means

  1. Proceeding with the approval of the Committee, and
  2. Listing the Club on any nomination form, program, and advertising material as the sole affiliated club.

Note that, where a team or player is representing a school, funding will not be made available.

Implementation Application for approval of funding can be made by e-mail to the President and/or Vice President of the Club. The application should specify the details of the event, evidence that the application is in accordance with this Policy, and details of the purpose(s) to which the funds will be committed. The President and/or Vice President shall put the application to the Committee for approval and, subject to approval, will liaise with the Treasurer to arrange payment.

  • Understand and adhere to BYLAW #1 ‘The Spirit of Junior Football’.
  • The runner SHOULD BE AN ADULT. #GiveBack
  • The runner must be clearly identified. #BeSafe
  • The runner’s name must be entered on team sheets. #BeSafe
  • No abusive language or swearing. #ShowRespect
  • Support the decision of the umpires at all times and never question decisions. #ShowRespect
  • Deliver message/water and leave the ground immediately. Your role is not to coach or direct players. Do not remain on the ground. The game is for the kids, not you. #ShowRespect



Version: 1.0
Committee Approval: 10 August 2016


This document is intended to clarify the rules and expectations regarding the presence and control of dogs at training and games.

Council Controls

Players, officials, spectators or others attending games played by the Club must always abide by Council restrictions on dogs being taken to ovals and reserves.


Having dogs at training or games risks disruption and injuries to player, umpires, and spectators. As such, dogs brought to training or games must be kept on a leash at all times.

Infringement Any party infringing this Policy should be informed of its contents by a team official. In cases of repeated infringement, the Vice President is to be informed, and sanction applied at his or her discretion.

  • Understand and adhere to BYLAW #1 ‘The Spirit of Junior Football’.
  • Modify rules and regulations to match the skill level of children and their needs. #BeSafe
  • Compliment all participants on their efforts. #BringYourBest
  • Be consistent, objective and courteous in calling all infractions. #ShowRespect
  • Condemn unsporting behaviour and promote respect for all opponents. #ShowRespect
  • Ensure that the “spirit of the game” for children is not lost by using common sense and not over emphasizing errors. #HaveFun
  • Publicly encourage rule changes which will reinforce the principles of participation for fun and enjoyment. #HaveFun
  • Ensure that your behaviour is consistent with the principles of good sporting behaviour. Actions speak louder than words. #PlayFair
  • Make a personal commitment to keep yourself informed of sound officiating principles and the principles of growth and development of children. #BeSafe
  • Avoid use of derogatory language based on gender. #ShowRespect

Registration Fee Refunds

Registration Fee Refunds

Version: 1.1
Committee Approval: 10 August 2016


This document is intended to clarify the extent of refunds of registration fees should a player decide to leave the Club prior to the end of the playing season.

Parents and players should be aware that the Club incurs non-refundable charges for each player registered in the Sporting Pulse system and for equipping teams at the start of the season.

Note: The nationally-administered Auskick program has its own refund policy, and details are available from the Auskick Coordinator. Refunds to Auskick participants are not governed by this Policy.


If a player is unable to play out the season by error of the Club, then either

  1. a full refund shall be made available, or
  2. arrangements will be made for the player to play to another Club (by way of either a transfer or permit) and the registration fee applied to playing fees at the other Club.

If a player is unwilling or unable to play out the season for any other reason, then either

  1. a pro-rated refund by number of games less Sporting Pulse administration fee shall be made available if the Club is notified prior to Round 5 fixtures, or
  2. registration fees are foregone if the Club is notified on the date of Round 5 fixtures or later.

In order to be eligible for a refund of registration fee under this Policy, the player shall provide notice in writing to both the Team Manager and the Club Registrar. The Club Registrar shall liaise with the Club Treasurer to arrange reimbursement.

Team Selections

Team Selections

Version: 1.0
Committee Approval: 8 February 2017


This policy specifies how players are to be allocated to teams in instances where there is more than one team in an age group.


This policy is consonant with, and draws upon, policies implemented by the Australian Football League, the WA Football Commission, and Claremont District to ensure the best playing environment for all players. It is designed to balance various objectives pertaining to player attraction, retention, and development, and to ensure clear expectations amongst coaches, players, and parents regarding the allocation of players to teams.

Within the limits of this Policy, WCJFC will support coaches in any reasonable decisions that they make regarding the allocation of players to teams while preparing for the playing season, or to correct team imbalances during the course of a season. The Policy is designed to provide a decision-making framework for coaches, to provide clarity for players and parents, and to provide a reference in instances of disagreement.


Even numbers. WCJFC will so far as possible field teams with equal numbers of players.

Even playing ability. WCJFC will so far as possible field teams of equal ability in each year.

Team Composition. WCJFC’s members are drawn in the main from local primary and high schools. As a community club, it seeks to encourage long-term friendships extending beyond school groupings. As such, teams will wherever possible incorporate players from a range of schools rather than being school-specific.

Rotation Amongst Teams. In order to develop a range of friendships, and to help reduce the attrition rate amongst players in particular year groups, it is expected that players will rotate amongst teams during Years 3 to 6. In other words, teams should be re-picked each year rather than ‘carried forward’ so that players are encouraged to feel that they are members of the Club rather than of any particular team. This will also expose players to a range of coaches and diverse coaching and playing styles.

Review. In cases where playing results indicate that teams are not of comparative ability, the Football Operations Committee, in conjunction with coaches, may review team members with a view to re-allocating players in order to meet the requirements of this Policy.

Request for Review. Any request for a review of team allocations should be directed in the first instance to relevant team coaches who are free to conduct a review while adhering always to this Policy. Subsequent appeals should be directed to the Vice President as Chair of the Football Operations Committee.

Year 3 to Year 6

In these years, the primary emphasis is on participation and enjoyment. Additional goals are the acquisition of football skills, the nurturing of physical and emotional development, and general well-being derived from involvement in team-based sports with a group of friends from school, the local neighbourhood, Auskick, and other sporting activities.

There are no ladders or finals for these age groups. Whilst everyone knows who has scored the most at the end of a game the emphasis must be on player development rather than winning. Fun and player development are best encouraged by playing in a team that is evenly matched and competitive.

In these age groups, team selection will follows this hierarchy of principles:

  1. Teams will be composed of equal numbers (or as close to equal as possible)
  2. Child(ren) of a coach will play in that coach’s team
  3. Teams will be of comparable ability
  4. Teams will comprise a mix of players from different schools
  5. Each player will play with a core of at least two other players from within his/her school or friendship group

It is expected that at the start of each season that teams will be re-selected based on the above hierarchy, and to the extent that it is reasonably possible, players will be placed with a new coach (excluding coaches’ children) and new team mates.

Year 7 to Year 12

The AFL Youth Age Policy aims to maximise the recruitment and retention of players through the pathway to senior football by providing the following qualities:

  • Games that are fun, fast and skilful. The pace of the game engages participant attention in close games, and success is achieved through skilful play, fulfilling team goals and coach aspirations, all of which are shared amongst peers.
  • Social interaction. Participants are drawn to opportunities provided by football for socialising, developing and maintaining friendships, and operating as a team where the peer group is of most importance.
  • Competition. Whilst winning is fun, players are more concerned about the quality of the contest. Leagues and clubs should ensure well-graded competitions.

In these age groups, team selection will follows this hierarchy of principles:

  1. Teams will be composed of equal numbers (or as close to equal as possible)
  2. Teams will be of comparable ability
  3. Teams will comprise a mix of players from different schools
  4. Child(ren) of a coach will play in that coach’s team
  5. Players will be allocated to ensure the development of their skills so that, for example, players best suited to particular playing positions or roles will be shared
  6. Wherever possible, each player will play with a core group of friends from previous playing years
  7. Players subject to a formal skill development program will be allocated to the coach responsible for designing and implementing that program
Failure of Coaches to Agree

In cases where coaches fail to agree the allocation of players, they may proceed in any one of the following ways:

  1. Excluding the coaches’ children, one coach chooses all of the teams and the other coach(es) determine which they choose to coach.
  2. Commencing with the coaches’ children, and proceeding according to a coin toss, coaches take turns picking players from the available squad.
  3. Teams are selected by member(s) of the Football Operations Committee decided by the Vice President, in conjunction with the coaches.


Committee Meetings

Rules and Protocols Regarding Meetings of the Committee

Version: 1.0
Committee Approval: 3 February 2016 / 10 August 2016


This document is intended to clarify the rules and expectations for organising and running meetings of the Committee.

Meeting Arrangements

Meetings of the Committee will ordinarily be held on the first Wednesday of each calendar month in the clubrooms of the West Coast Sporting Association, unless extraordinary circumstances demand otherwise (in which case the alternative arrangements shall be advised by way of issue of an Agenda).


In order of precedence, the meeting shall be chaired by: President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Registrar, any other member of the Committee agreed by members present.


A quorum for decisions involving expenditure by the Club or regarding changes to Plan, policy, or structure shall comprise at least three of the Office Bearers, being the President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, and Registrar. A quorum for any other decisions within the remit of the Committee shall comprise a majority of the Committee. If Committee recommends expenditure or changes to Plan, policy, or structure that would otherwise require a quorum of Office Bearers, then this quorum can be achieved by e-mail exchange under the auspices of the Secretary.

A meeting of the Committee may be held in the absence of a quorum of Office Bearers.

Agenda and Minutes

The Secretary shall issue a Meeting Agenda at least one week prior to the meeting date. A revised Agenda incorporating items of General Business can be issued at any time prior to the meeting. The Secretary shall issue Meeting Minutes within one week of the meeting date.

Meeting Protocols

To enable meetings to run efficiently and effectively, attendees should abide by the following protocols:

  • Items of General Business will be lodged with the Secretary in time to be incorporated in the Agenda.
  • Meetings should start on time.
  • Discussion and debate should be respectful, and should address the issue.
  • Absence from a meeting will not constitute reason to re-open subsequently an item decided at the meeting, unless notified as General Business for the next meeting.
  • Only one conversation at a time should take place.
  • Discussion should pertain directly to the item at hand.
  • Committee members should be prepared for discussion on Agenda items, and to report on matters within their remit.
  • Even if a Committee member is unable to attend the meeting in person, an update shall be provided on action items assigned to them, or to which they have contributed, whether in regard to completion, progress, or decisions required of the Committee.
  • Points should be made directly and succinctly, and the Chair shall have the right to call Committee members to order or else to end a discussion.
  • Items shall be decided ‘on the voices’ unless the Chair decides that a vote is in order.
  • Mobile devices should be turned off or to silent.

Selection and Appointment of Coaches

Selection and Appointment of Coaches

Version: 1.2
Committee Approval: 2 December 2015 / 10 August 2016


This document is intended to clarify the process for nominating, selecting and appointing coaches for Junior and Youth teams.


Appointment of coaches is the responsibility of West Coast Junior Football Club, and is to be executed by Coordinator – Coaches. It is not the case that teams (or parents of players in teams) are allowed to appoint coaches, although their preferences will be accounted for in the Club’s decision.

Coaching Staff

Subject to finance and the availability of suitable candidates, it is intended that each team in Year 4 to Year 7 will be coached by a parent (or parents) of a player(s) in the team, or by another suitably qualified adult. It is similarly intended that each team in Year 8 to Year 12 will be jointly coached by a parent of a player in the team, and a current senior player from either the West Coast Amateur Football Club or the Claremont Football Club. The role of the parent is to ensure the provision of appropriate pastoral care and communication, and to assist and deputise for the senior player as appropriate. The role of the senior player is to lead all other duties typical of a coach. It is a joint responsibility of the two parties to define precisely the demarcation of duties between them.

Working With Children

Coaches with children in the relevant team are exempt from Working with Children checks under the appropriate legislation. All other coaches are to complete the appropriate Working With Children check and licensing as soon as practicable after appointment. Coaches who fail to complete the check and licensing will be relieved of the role at the discretion of Coordinator – Coaches in conjunction with the Vice President.


Nominations for coaching roles can be made by

  1. contacting Coordinator – Coaches directly in writing; or
  2. indicating an interest in the role on the Player Registration form; or
  3. acceding to an approach from Coordinator Coaches.

Where there is no more than one coach nominee per team, Coordinator – Coaches will make the appointment at his or her convenience. Where there is more than one nominee, and nominees indicate that they are unwilling to work as joint coaches, a selection sub-Committee will be formed comprising Vice President, Coordinator – Coaches, and one other Committee member.

a. Appointment of Coaches for Junior Teams

The sub-Committee will decide on the appointment by a majority vote, taking cognisance of:

  • Formal coaching qualifications and demonstrated expertise
  • Coaching history, particularly development of attitudes, skills, and structures amongst previous teams (noting that this does not always align with game results)
  • Documented plans for skill and personal development for individual players and teams
  • Demonstrated commitment
b. Appointment of Coaches for Youth Teams

The sub-Committee will decide on the appointment by a majority vote, taking cognisance of those factors at a. above, and also

  • Willingness to work in conjunction with a current senior player appointed as coach
  • Demonstrated ability to work productively with a current senior player appointed as coach
  • Commitment to a game style and structure consistent with modern senior football

Coordinator – Coaches will implement the decision of the sub-Committee.

If any member of the selection sub-Committee is unable to participate in the selection process by reason of a conflict of interest, then a replacement member shall be appointed by the President.

If the sub-Committee is unable to reach a majority decision, then the President shall make the decision.

Term of Appointment

Appointments will be made from season to season, and will be finalised by 1 March.